Saturday, 22 June 2013

RPP Listening

Jenjang/sekolah           :      SMA ...................................
Mata Pelajaran            :      Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester            :      X/2
Waktu                         :      2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)
Jenis Teks                   :      News Item
Skill                            :      Mendengarkan (Listening

                     STANDAR KOMPETENSI

8.       Memahami makna dalam teks monolog sedehana berbentuk narrative,descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer.
Kompetensi Dasar
8.2  Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative,descriptive dan news item

Sub Kompetensi Dasar:
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat , lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk  news item

Dengan diperdengarkan teks monolog berbentuk news item siswa dapat :

8.2.1        Mengidentifikasi inti dan sumber dari berita yang didengarkan secara lisan
8.2.2   Menentukan gagasan utama dalam teks monolog berbentuk news item yang  didengarkan secara lisan
8.2.3        Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks monolog berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
8.2.4     Menyimpulkan isi dari teks monolog berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
8.2.5        Merespon isi teks monolog sederhana  berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
Secara akurat dan benar.

Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
1.      Mengidentifikasi inti dan sumber dari berita yang didengarkan secara lisan
2.      Menentukan gagasan utama dalam teks monolog berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
3.      Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks monolog berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
4.      Menyimpulkan isi dari teks monolog berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan
5.      Merespon isi teks monolog sederhana  berbentuk news item yang didengarkan secara lisan

Materi Pelajaran
8.2  news item text


Fungsi Soaial   : Untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca,pendengar atau penonton tentang berita terbaru atau kejadian yang penting
Susunan teks news item biasanya terdiri dari  as follows:
Newsorthy events
Tells the event in a summary form
Background event
Elaborate what happenened,explains what caused the incident
Comments by participant,witnesses,authorities,and experts involved in the event
Ciri – ciri kebahasaan :  Action verbs,passive sentence,adverbs

Good morning listeners. It’s ten o’clock in the morning and you’re listening to Headline News in 007 Archid FM. I’m Mike Tjokro. The first newsworthy event comes from Moscow. A Russians journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed ten sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo 22, near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fallout. The base and nearby town, were covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told that the explosion was in the reactor of the Victor submarine. It was said to be a ‘thermal’ and not nuclear explosion. Those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators were later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.
OK listeners, that’s the first news for today. I am coming back soon with some other important news. So, stay tuned to 007 FM Archid Radio Station.


  1. Teaching Strategies
·          Three – phase technique (pre listening, whilst listening, post listening)

B.     Media Pembelajaran
·           Gambar yang relevan
·           Audio Listening
·           Script Listening

I.             Kegiatan Pendahuluan
·         Greeting
·         Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis siswa
·         Tanya jawab seputar kegiatan yang telah dilakukan
·         Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan cakupan materi
II.           Kegiatan Inti


Pre Listening

1.      Guru menunjukkan gambar dan meminta siswa  menjawab pertanyaan tuntunan secara aktif
·         Have you ever seen  it?
·         Where do you see it?
·         Do you like reading,listening or watching to news?
·         What kinds of information can you get from reading,listening and watching to news?
·         Are you interested in becoming a newscaster?
·         What kind of text is it?
·         What is the generic structure?
·         What is the function of text?

Whilst listening
1.      Guru memberikan keyword yang berhubungan dengan teks yang akan didengarkan
2.      Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa
3.   Siswa mendengarkan audio listening tentang teks monolog berupa news item dan memilih jawaban yang tepat tentang wacana secara lisan
4.      Siswa mendiskusikan dengan aktif  jawaban  yang benar dengan bimbingan guru.
Post Listening
5.      Siswa  mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran
6.      Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa
III.         Kegiatan Penutup
a.       Siswa diminta mempelajari rencana materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.
b.      Siswa diminta mengerjakan tugas individu yang bersumber dari buku

1.     SI dan SKL
2.     Buku Look Ahead 1
3.     Gambar-gambar yang relevan
4.     Audio listening
5.     Script dari Look ahead 1

  1. Indikator Penilaian
Teknik             : Tes
Bentuk                        : Multiple choice

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Contoh Instrumen
1.     Menemukan:
  • Gambaran umum cerita
  • informasi rinci tersurat
  • tujuan teks
  • struktur generik teks
Listen to the recording news item text and answer the questions (Recorded):

Good morning listeners. It’s ten o’clock in the morning and you’re listening to Headline News in 007 Archid FM. I’m Mike Tjokro. The first newsworthy event comes from Moscow. A Russians journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed ten sailors and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of Shkotovo 22,near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fallout. The base and nearby town, were covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told that the explosion was in the reactor of the Victor submarine. It was said to be a ‘thermal’ and not nuclear explosion. Those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tons of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators were later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.
OK listeners, that’s the first news for today. I am coming back soon with some other important news. So, stay tuned to 007 FM Archid Radio Station.

1.    What is the text about?
a.       The information of nuclear catastrophe
b.      The description about evidence of nuclear catastrophe
c.       The information about evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe
d.      The description of nuclear accident
e.       The entertaining of nuclear catastrophe

2.      How many victim that killed in the accident?
a.       10 sailors
b.      20 sailors
c.       13 sailors
d.      An sailors
e.       22 sailors

3.      Where did the accident?
a.       At the naval
b.      Near Vladivostock
c.       Nearby town
d.      Moscow
e.       Shktovo 22

4.      When the accident occured?
a.       30 months before the chernobyl disaster
b.      13 months before the chernobyl disaster
c.       15 before the chernobyl disaster
d.      14 months before chernobyl disaster
e.       3 months before chernobyl disaster

5.      What is the main idea of the text?
a.       Soviet nuclear catastrophe
b.      Evidence of nuclear catastrophe
c.       Nuclear who killed 10 sailors
d.      Soviet nuclear catastrophe accident who killed 10 sailors
e.       Evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe who killed 10 sailors and contamined entire town











Pedoman penilaian
Tiap jawaban benar            :  1
Jumlah skor maksimal        :  5 X 2    = 10
Nilai maksimal                   : 100
Nilai siswa                         :  ( skor perolehan : skor maksimal)  x 100

B.     Pedoman penilaian
1.      Listening Scores (setiap jawaban benar mendapat skor 10: skor maksimum 100)


Excellent (90-100)
Very Good (81-90)
Good (71-80)
Fair (61-70)

..........., .........................

Kepala SMP ............................                                                                                      Guru Mata Pelajaran

...............................................                                                                                            ........................................

ACTIVE LISTENING. Listen to the following news.While listening,choose the correct answer below!!!
1.      What is the text about?
a.     The information of nuclear catastrophe
b.   The description about evidence of nuclear catastrophe
c.       The information about evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe
d.      The description of nuclear accident
e.       The entertaining of nuclear catastrophe
2.      How many victim that killed in the accident?
a.         10 sailors
b.         20 sailors
c.         13 sailors
d.        An sailors
e.         22 sailors
3.      Where did the accident?
a.          At the naval
b.          Near Vladivostock
c.          Nearby town
d.         Moscow
e.          Shktovo 22
4.      When the accident occured?
a.         30 months before the chernobyl disaster
b.         13 months before the chernobyl disaster
c.         15 before the chernobyl disaster
d.        14 months before chernobyl disaster
e.         3 months before chernobyl disaster
5.      What is the main idea of the text?
a.         Soviet nuclear catastrophe
b.         Evidence of nuclear catastrophe
c.         Nuclear who killed 10 sailors
d.        Soviet nuclear catastrophe accident who killed 10 sailors
e.         Evidence of another soviet nuclear catastrophe who killed 10 sailors and contamined entire town.

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